Friday, March 6, 2020

6 Creative Ways to Prep Improve Your ACT Math Score

6 Creative Ways to Prep Improve Your ACT Math Score 0SHARESShare Act decides your college entry and high level decisions about your college studies. Have a strong foothold with good prep strategies to improve your act math scores. Review Your Math Skills: ? Spend a good deal of time for your ACT Mathematics review in the start of your prep, not to overlook your weak spots in the learning aspects of math. DonĂ¢€™t forget the basics of math; act question Answer setters are interested in trapping you that way. Prepare with free online study guides to know ways to boost your score Analyze the question pattern of act math: ? Not all the questions are done equally. You come across easy, medium and difficult in the ascending order. So, practice to do easy ones within one minute and go on with the medium ones in a minute and skip the difficult ones in case of want of time or inefficiency to answer. Practice timing with periodic practice tests- not allotting equal time to all questions, some fast, some medium and some average according to the order of difficulty Calculate your target score: ? Have a score prep. Calculate your target score and prepare accordingly. If you get 2/3 of the answers right, your score would be decent. Try that and then go ahead Learn the proper use of calculator ? Use your calculator where you have to on the act. Read the answers and find out whether they are final numbers, fractions or variables. In these cases, using calculator consumes time and makes for unwanted delay. If at all you are sure of the function of calculator for the question, you make use of it. Get used to the same calculator during practice for easy handling in the test hall. Make sure that the battery is not old to pull you legs on the right time Write Down your work ? Practice to scribble formula, diagram and calculations in the allotted space. It may not be neat. DonĂ¢€™t worry. Nobody is going to review your work. It is the ultimate filling in of answers that counts. But practice not to waste a lot of time over it How to handle word problem? ? Develop a habit to reread the last sentence of word problem which actually tells what you have to do. Read all the questions, try answers and then look at the answer choices. Look for short cuts, but that should not be the regular syndrome All the best for your act math scores! [starbox id=admin]

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